Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why does tomorrow feel
beyond that of possibility
And today as though it
is lost to a fluid surreality
and all that my life is
is a burden of a past
carved so vividly
into my being
that though I try to escape
I am always brought back
I am chained to moments in time
Harsh and unforgettable
Unforgiveable moments
Replayed over and over
And everything else is but background noise
Branded, scarred, mutilated for all eternity
And all the present does is
Pour salt on these old, but still bleeding wounds
I long to fly
But have long ago broken my own wings

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

what's the point in trying if it's never going to get better?

Monday, May 2, 2011

some days it all too much. It hurts so damn much to care and honestly love people some times. I don't wish to not care, I don't wish to not let people in. (not really) but with love we open ourselves to pain. and it can be hard.

I wish everyone could understand the quiet pain I go through when I can't speak all I know for the sake of confidences, but want so much to ease pain. I don't know what to do in these moments when I love two people who are hurting each other, when it doesn't seem to be enough to be loyal to both and neither.

To love people and have them push you away because they can't understand how you can love both of them and not choose between them

I just love, and listen, and remain

and it never really seems to be enough, but I'm more than aware that it's all I really can do