Sunday, September 19, 2010

choices are bizzare things. It's the concept of free will and choice that make me question life having a reason, and fate, and a grand plan. every tiny choice can have drastic outcomes and everyone having an undefind number makes the world one really crazy game of this or that on a grand level.

"we make our choices, but our choices make us."

we are the sum of our genetic potential colliding with our life's experience gained through every choice we make and those around us make. it gets crazy complicated mightly quickly.

"in every situation there exists a choice" it's not always the choice we want, often it isn't the one we want, but there is always a choice. Sometimes it's simply how am I going to react in a given situation even if I cannot otherwise change the situation. Which of course always make me think of the myth of sisyphus....

I have too many thoughts, and now need to go grocery shopping. reserving the complete right to revisit and expand.

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