Monday, October 18, 2010

life is good

strangely enough life is good. somehow there is a lot of love and beauty and hope in this crazy mess of a life that never seems to go as planned. In some way it's better that it doesn't. It opens us up and deepens our hearts and souls in ways we can't imagine before everything spirals out of control. If it all worked perfectly as we plan we'd never really have a reason to grow and would never reach our potentials. In the struggle, in the mess, in the learning how to deal we find and shape ourselves. I'm so grateful to be who I am now. It was a lot of hell to get to this point, but there was a lot of good. and it's the mixture of all of this that has made me what I am. Yes part of me wishes it had been easier and less painful, but without it I would not be me. I love life in all its craziness......

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