Mental slavery, I’m sure this can spark many a blog and many a discussion, even a fraction of which I hope to have the energy to engage in, and will try to re-visit the topic as I’m not really going to get into all my thoughts on the subject.
But this specific post is a semi-continuation/tangent/somehow related in my head to the Iris and the silently screaming posts that precede it, please bear with me for inevitable connection I hope to make clear. In that post I discuss some of my struggles of being misunderstood or not seen, partly related to change. That whole thought was sparked by what I’m about to discuss, and although not necessarily directly related, seem to emanate from a similar source and frustration that brought me to tears for much of the day last Wed. They both seem to be examples of one another and yet separate, but related tangents.
Tuesday night, after months of searching for a job, almost any other job, and getting nowhere, and being brought to a place where I felt to have no real alternative, I decided to try to go back to work for a specific company that has a series of pizza places, whom I worked for many years.
For those of you who know the whole story of my past employment there, this thought alone probably causes some sort of very sick feeling in your stomach because you know the danger and all that goes along with this decision. (Believe me I was very, very sick over this and I will get into that more later in this piece) Please keep that in mind, but don’t let it stop you from really listening to what I have to say. This all was incredibly difficult for me, and I will try to explain all my thoughts and feeling about it, but please be patient and please don’t judge (at least before hearing the whole thing).
For those of you that don’t know, working there had become absolute hell in a very complicated and sad way. When I started, I really enjoyed it on some level. It was probably one of the best jobs I ever had. I had fun, I met many people I enjoy, it wasn’t perfect, but it seemed to be an answer to a prayer. And in honesty a lot of the problems that would come later had as much to do with me as anyone else. I did well and was fairly quickly offered more hours and promotions. I had always been more than eager to help, which is not really a bad thing, but the problem came where I couldn’t say no and at times this seemed to be taken advantage of. I found myself agreeing to do things I didn’t want to do, had I been stronger, or known how to cope better I could have saved myself a lot of misery. So I found myself as a manager even though I had never intended for this job to become a career (it started out as a way to pay some bills until I could afford to go back to school (keep this parallel in mind) nothing more than that) partly because I couldn’t say no, partly because I wanted to help and not let people down, and probably because some part of me felt a little better having a title (somehow saying in my mind I was not as big of a loser as I felt, but that’s another complicated tangent perhaps for another day). So before I really knew what was happening I ended up getting myself into a position that I would not easily feel I could get out of. Being a manager would not have been so bad if I had more self-esteem. I really didn’t hate being a manager, there were several things about it I really enjoyed, but it seemed to further amplify my own defects. Because I never felt I was trying hard enough, never felt I was doing a good enough job, I worked way, way too much and never could give myself credit for what I did right, nor ever let myself really take joy in any of it. My boss would often tell me all the things he was proud of me for, all the things he thought I was doing well (and I now realize there was a fair number of things) but all I ever heard or saw was what I needed to work on. I never felt I was good enough, never felt I was really worthy of anything good and because of it I worked myself into a mental breakdown. I never slept enough, never ate enough, never really saw friends outside work, never did anything to take care of myself, all I did was work. And work at a job where I never felt I was good enough. On top of all the stuff going on inside my head, add the fact that my abusive girlfriend was my assistant manager and so there was a whole other level of shit going on beyond just the job. Add to all this, the fact that I lacked good stress coping skills and it was a recipe for absolute disaster.
I did not know how to change what was happening, didn’t think I deserved to and didn’t know how to cope. I was miserable on so many different levels. (but keep in mind it really wasn’t all hell I did occasionally in spite of myself actually have fun, and do have quite a few good memories, but they are often overshadowed by the bad) I was stressed out in almost every area of my life and didn’t know what to do about it and it all seemed to be related on some level to the job. I never seemed to have enough money (and therefore was getting further and further away from my goal of going back to school) never had enough time, there were way too many entanglements with my girlfriend and felt completely trapped. I was so suicidal most of the time, I spent so much energy trying to destroy myself because it’s what I thought I deserved. I didn’t take care of myself, many basic needs were not really being met and on top of that I would further purposely punish myself. I’d have panic attacks every time I’d walk in the store. I’d cut or burn myself just to make it through the day, I’d obsess over suicide because it seemed to be my only way out. I felt I was digging myself into a hole I’d never escape from (perhaps a grave would be a better analogy). At some point I just broke. I simply could not go on anymore, and had there not been people who cared about me, who fought for me, who went out of their way to help me, who had not done everything in their power to stop me from killing myself, I would be dead right now. I’m not saying that figuratively, literally had friends not physically stopped me, had they not literally taken me to the hospital, I would not be alive today. That is the point where I ended up. And in order to escape all of this I had to not only quit my job but also break up with my girlfriend, get one of us to move out and figure out how to survive when I not only didn’t really know how, but also wasn’t sure I wanted to. All of that was hell, hell to stay, hell to change.
So in the end through the grace of friends and family (particularly my father) and by some turn of good luck or fate, or generosity and love I didn’t think I deserved and by willing to lose everything I had worked for in order to survive, my dad took me back in and offered me a chance to get my life back on track. I spent the next 2 years in and out of hospitals and intensive therapy programs, desperately trying to learn how to make life worth living. Trying however painfully and difficultly to learn to cope, to move beyond the years of abuse, not just at the hands of my girlfriend, and years of mental slavery, where I among other things did not believe I had worth or should be loved, even by myself. Trying so desperately to find a reason to keep going, and maybe even one day actually be happy. It’s an uphill battle and is not easy, but I feel I have been making significant progress and believe I’m in a better place than I’ve ever been. I’m back in school and working toward a career I actually want, and most importantly feel much more able to cope with life and am finding a way to be happy and to make my life worth living.
And that is why anyone who knows, particularly anyone that was around for any of it, probably feels a little sick at the even fleeting thought of my returning, because the last time I was there I really did end up broken and almost dead, and it can be seen as turning around and heading back into hell.
Now that we’re mostly all on the same page… (and hopefully in the same book)
And so Tuesday I found myself in a position where I could no longer pay for my cell phone, could no longer spend time with friends, could no longer pay for the gas to go to the meetings at the pride center or really anywhere else, could no longer do most of the things that seem to make life worth living, and so in an effort to not give up, and not let myself fall back into isolation, back into a life that didn’t seem worthwhile, I chose to play that last card I had been holding in my back pocket as a last ditch attempt, I got back in touch with someone at the company and asked for a job. I felt sick, not only because there is something very sickening and unnerving about going all in and playing your last card and letting your chips fall where they may, but also because I am well aware of the potential danger for putting myself back in a position that was so detrimental. I do not want to repeat the same mistakes and am afraid I might waste my second chance. It really felt like I was selling my soul back into slavery. I can’t quite explain all that came with that; it was a horrible feeling, in of itself. And then add to that the resistance and judgments and everything else those I care about are putting on me about it, and it’s been very difficult and frustrating.
I completely understand that all of it comes from love for me and wanting to protect me, and therefore don’t really fault anyone for it. (Honestly on some level I appreciate it being a sign of their love for me) But it hurts so much. The whole thing hurts on a core level. And a lot of that comes from a feeling of being misunderstood and not feeling as if I can really explain it, without somehow inflicting some level of pain, to either or all of us. I feel a deep sense of frustration and lack of support and misunderstanding. I know that many are afraid, many may think I’m being naïve or dangerous, many may be quick to offer ANY alternative so I don’t do this. I’m aware of the risks. I’m aware of what’s at stake. I do not see any alternatives that feel any better. And I have already made my decision, and fully intend on sticking with it until I feel that there is reason to change. What I don’t know that everyone sees or appreciates is this: I feel with my coping skills etc I am able to handle what comes and also feel I will be able to change directions if needed. I have made it clear to the powers that be of my intentions and plan on sticking with them. I am not in the same bind as I was before, where this job is a matter of literal survival, but instead an attempt to maintain a life worth living. Many may see my going back to work there as a self-destructive act, but I am pleading with you to understand that this is not the case. In fact this is the opposite, this is an attempt to fight for a life worth living, an attempt to get what I want, an attempt to do something for myself. At this point I do not need someone to try and talk me out of it, and I don’t even really need everyone to agree with it, I am simply asking, hoping, that, if you can, you all understand and respect my choice. I want your support and your love, your willingness to be there. But please don’t add to my frustration of telling me what I should or should not do, I’m not looking for advice at this point as to whether or not to do it, I’ve already decided. All I ask is if you cannot be happy for me, cannot agree with my decision, don’t spend your energy trying to talk me out of it, don’t stand in my way and bring me down, even if you believe it to be in my best interest. I just want to know you love me, that’s all I really want.
I know this may seem impossible, I know this may hurt some of you to watch, and believe me I don’t want to hurt anyone. I understand if you cannot watch, I know if this goes horribly wrong I cannot ask you to keep being there. I will respect (although with great sadness) anyone’s desire to abandon ship because they can’t deal with this. This is part of what weighs on my soul, I am not doing this lightly. But I do feel I have changed quite a bit, believe I can be safe in doing this, and hope you know I am doing this because I think it’s what is best for me at this moment.
And if I choose to stop for whatever reason, if I decide I should not continue, please do not add shame or I told you so, or any of that, just let me know you love me.
And for the record, this all is done out of a genuine attempt of me loving myself. Which is probably the biggest difference of all.
(at some point I want to go into my thoughts in response to thinking of going back as selling myself into slavery and my thoughts now that I’m working there again and how it’s going, but I simply don’t have the time or energy at this moment)